Question: What the fuck is "planking"?

Answer: Planking is all the rage. Basically you go somewhere and act like a stiff penis. It is the new freestyle walking. Jerry Bail Bonds used to be a champion Freestyle Walker in the 90's. Black Caddilac was a silver medalist.


Freestyle walking:

Also, this was the move that planted me on Charlie's 1997 Toyota Camry hood where I left my ass autograph:

Question: Is the term "oriental" offensive if you are referring to a person?

Answer: No, unless you are a pinko commie PC liberal.

Question: What is the baddest ass animal on the planet?


Wolverines are world renown for their ability to live in the vacuum of space or the cold, dark depths of the oceans. Couple that will their ability to kill 137 black bears/second and you've got the baddest animal on the planet.

Question: What kind of websites does B3KR like to look at?

Answer: Luckily today I walked by his desk and noticed he was reading the wikipedia entry of one of his favorite celebrities, check it out. Of course the Subaru website is a favorite as well as this one.

I invite/dare B3KR to challenge any of these.

Question: What happens if you drive a Subaru and it starts raining?


Question: Where can I find half a cow to purchase?

Answer: There is only one obvious choice.

Question: What does B3KR do on his off days?

Answer: Excellent question. The answer to this question is contained in the following photo.

Apparently B3KR likes to travel to far away places and buy half of cows to take home and consume. Now you are probably asking yourself how you can buy yourself half of a cow. Well here at Correct Answers we strive to help. Check back for a post that will answer that exact question.

Question: Did someone tell us today that Black Caddy and B3KR look like brothers?

Answer: Yes they did. B3KR, Black Caddy, and I were all present for the momentous occasion.