Question: What is the best song for pulling some strange?

Answer: This one

Just ask Jerry Bail Bonds.


  1. That whole album will get girls mouths to fly open and panties to incenerate. I prefer "Nice and Slow" however from said album.

  2. Do you have a Ralph Macchio poster over your bed that you masturbate to, while you listen to Usher?

    I have to go take a shower. I feel dirty from reading that post.

  3. Has it ever been proven that JBB or HIV has actually been with a woman?

    I thought not.

  4. For the record... If proof of sexual relations with the opposite sex is a child then no, we can't prove that to you. I know that I'm not in the porn industry either so I can't provide you a video.

    Although Diapers and Caddy have children, that doesn't prove shit to me either. You may have just used a test tube. Ask Mellisa Etheridge.

    So is there any proof that Goatdiapers has ever been with a woman or even likes women? NO.

  5. GoatDiapers thinks if HIV turned any down it was to get to what he is used to, browneye.


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