Question: Did Jerry Bail Bonds just put up a Wiki gadget to solve any and all bullshit arguments?

Answer: Yes I did. You are welcome. With that move, I just quadrupled the work that I've done on this website compared to Black Caddy's lazy ass this morning.


  1. I still think "website negligence" is just a damn awesome tag/label, good job Jerry.

    By the way, I went up to Caddy's office yesterday and he was too busy to post anything. Guess what he was busy doing?

    Watching South Park with B3KR and Bob Bayna.

    Yep, you heard right.

  2. The wiki gadget would be more awesome if it was in a language we could read.

  3. What you don't know multiple languages? Caddy was kickin' it with B3KR? WTF? Shouldn't have said that cause Mohawk may ostracize Caddy now.

  4. Okay, now you can wiki in any language you want, gd.


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