Question: Has Jerry Bail Bonds chaunced up the site by adding a picture of Barry Bonds (slightly off center) to the banner?

Answer: Hell yeah he has! Why would anyone want a picture of Barry Bonds on their site, especially now that he hasn't even played ball in over a year. He is in no way relevant to this site or to society in general. He is a disgraced former baseball player who will be lucky to disappear completely without any further ridicule.


  1. Maybe Jerry has "special feelings" for OSRA (Old Slow Rag Arm).

  2. Listen, Barry Bonds is the greatest ball player that you have ever gotten to see. And its funny how "OSRA" can win 7 gold gloves with a "rag" arm.

  3. He won Gold Gloves prior to his body ingesting massive amounts of foreign substances, that may his knees, elbows, and shoulders (and head) swell to cartoonish proportions. Similiar to Popeye.

  4. If you can't throw out Sid Freakin' Bream then you should have your gold gloves confiscated.

    That is all.

  5. OK, let me revise my comment:

    If you can't throw out Sid Freakin' Bream WITHOUT JUICING then you should have your gold gloves confiscated.



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