Question: There has been a lot of talk about contributors on this website and their World of Warcraft habits. Who are the culprits?

Answer: I will get to your question in a second. First let me explain what "World of Warcraft" is. WOW (as denoted by hardcore players of the game otherwise known as "taints") is a Massive online multiplayer roleplaying game. If you still don't understand let me put it this way: 80's Dungeons and Dragons players begat modern day WOW players. The game itself is split into 2 sides (good v. evil kind of.) There is the Horde (bad guys) and I don't know the name of the good guys. These taints are so crazy about this game if they see a member of the other side out in public, they will engage them in fisticuffs while trying their damnedest to somehow incorporate their nunchucks that they have hangning over their bed in a glass case.

Hours of time is blown on this game. Some things that are sure to accompany playing this game: inverted penis, homosexual tendencies quenched by asexual practices due to lack of actual human interaction, career retraction or elimination, moving in with your parents, clothes bought at Hot Topic, and engaging in debates such as "which band is better: Fall Out Boy or Hoobastank?" As you can see this is some serious shit. So without further ado, here are the culprits:

1. The HIV: After he started grabbing my ass at lunch time (homosexual tendencies resulting due to playing a shitload of WOW) I told him that he has a fucking problem. ***ABSOLUTE HONEST TO GOD TRUTH WARNING*** He was then motivated to check how much time he had actually devoted to this game. He went home and looked and he had been on the game a total of 256 days! Let's do the math: 256 days x 24 hours a day = 6,144 hours of motherfuckin' WOW! I at least hope that you are the King of that world you live in. HIV: you are now officially a lost cause.

2. TorqueStick: As aforementioned here, you can see his WOW history. He is also a rabid Star Trek fan so when "The Shat" started doing WOW commercials, TorqueStick tried to whip his inverted penis out of his skinny emo jeans and start beating it like mad. Ole Torquebox may be the biggest taint to ever walk the planet.

Okay HIV, you go ahead and type 3 consecutive 895 word comments filled with illiteracy, nonsense and 273 exclamation marks. TorqueStick, you play off of the HIV and put a bunch of cuss words together that don't even make sense.


  1. Did that taint in the article actually say "I mentioned that some people have written about MMOG leadership experience as a career positive or a way to learn project management skills?"


  2. I dont care really. I havent played in 6 months and never will again. It was a time sink as you mentioned, but no worse a habit than playing C.O.D. Modern Warfare until 4 am every night. And I do seem to remember you getting a Fantasy RPG for your XBox because you became interested in the genre after we spoke about my playing WoW... I am sure that your video game time is not that far behind my total time, my game just kept track. But then again, maybe its lower considering you can only play when your wife lets you.

    Also, I could shop at Hot Topic (which I do not) and still pull more ass than you. Remember that it is the gentleman that makes the clothes not the other way around. But you would be a liar to not recognize that I am always dressed well. I am not saying that it is everyones thing, and do not fault anyone for how they carry themselves. But I do remember a time when you had a pair of shoes that YOU WORE TO WORK that had so many holes in the you looked like fucking Gargamel.

    I am about to purchase my third house, remember we were talking about it the other day, you on the other hand moved in with your wife when you got hitched, because the negative equity in your car is the only type of equity you have. So lets not discuss housing, considering the only place that you ever lived before you started squatting in your wifes house, was mommy and daddy's house, college, and with your sisters.

    Was that too long? I tried to make it to the point.

  3. The intent of the post was not to hit you in your W-2s or question what character you do actually encompass. While I appreciate the effort to recount the past and engage in the proverbial pissing contest while offering documentation as to support such cause, I don't need all that shit. I simply meant to inspire funny quips mixed with cussing and perhaps a picture or two. It is evident that I offended your soul with that post and I simply chalk it up to not knowing my own strength. For that, I apologize.

  4. Also for the record, I noted that your symptom was homosexual tendencies which you have yet to refute. TorqueShock was infected with Hot Topic clothes, inverted penis and homosexual tendencies.

    I did forget to mention your inverted penis however.

  5. "...the only place that you ever lived before you started squatting in your wifes[sic] house, was mommy and daddy's house, college, and with your sisters."


  6. Mr. HIV clearly does not know my previous living history very well. Mommy and Daddy's was only about 11 years ago (high school) and since then I've been on my own.

  7. I actually felt bad about that diatribe this weekend, and would like to apologize to JBB.


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