Question: What is the NEW gayest statement ever made on this website?

Answer: This one comes courtesy of ole Baccala once again. I'm noticing a pattern. There needs to be a weekly, "Gay shit that the HIV says" post. But without further ado:

"Hittin Skaggs in the ass balls deep would make a better story than hitting that product of the Nashville cookie cutter country industry."


  1. It would. That is a funny picture, but I notice that the only way you can ever get one up on me is by posting pics. I know you are afraid to let me post, so I will eat you up in the comments section. (insert your lame joke here)

    P.S. And speaking of gay, this blog, where all you talk about is Bonnaroo, Bonds and the 'Boys, is getting gay.


If you are going to post a comment be sure it doesn't suck!

If you are having trouble deciding then play it safe and assume your comment sucks!!!