Question: Is the Bonnaroo line-up getting announced Tuesday?

Answer: Fuck Yeah and it still might beat Coachella's announcement.


  1. The more important question...Will Jerry Date Rape's wife let him go?

  2. The answer is yes, but the more pressing question is will you put the 9 beads of love down long enough to switch the cd in your stereo from Seal to Celine Dion?

  3. Oh yeah, and your new pet name for me isn't sticking cause it is terribly lame.

  4. Wow. Twice in one day. Do you have a schedule of comments that you just keep using? "Hmm today is Wednesday. Lets use the tater salad, Bud heavy and 9 beads of love joke again." You fail.


If you are going to post a comment be sure it doesn't suck!

If you are having trouble deciding then play it safe and assume your comment sucks!!!